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American Air Cares | Blog

Air conditioning tips, tricks, and latest updates

Ac tech checking coolant pressure

Do You Have an AC Coolant Leak?

With the summer heat steadily rising in Florida, you’re likely running your home air conditioning system constantly. With regular use comes normal wear and tear.

Portable dehumidifier
Indoor Air Quality

Does Your Home Need A Dehumidifier?

From mold and mildew to warped wood and damaged, wet electronics– high humidity can cause havoc on your home. High humidity causes moisture to settle

Bo repairing heat pump
Maintenance & Cleaning

A Guide to Air Conditioner Maintenance

Spring is here with summer to follow quickly on its heels. If you’re a homeowner in Florida, you know it’s time to prepare your air

Home ac repair; Technician fixing breakers

Why Is My AC Breaker Tripping?

Home AC repair is imperative during summers in Florida, as you are constantly running your air conditioning unit. This could mean that your air conditioner

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