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Why Is My AC Breaker Tripping?

Home ac repair; Technician fixing breakers

Home AC repair is imperative during summers in Florida, as you are constantly running your air conditioning unit. This could mean that your air conditioner might be putting too much of a load on your circuit breaker. Your breaker acts as a safety net to your home and AC system and protects your electrical power system. Your air conditioning breaker trips because it’s overworking itself and is putting out more energy than it can handle. If your breaker is frequently tripping on your air conditioner, don’t let this continue. This could harm equipment and even cause a fire. So it’s important to get it checked out by a professional and invest in home AC repair.

Why Do My Circuit Breakers Keep Tripping?

Breakers are designed to trip whenever your air conditioner overheats. When an air conditioner overheats, it draws more amps – a measurement of electrical current – from the circuit. So the higher the amperage the circuit draws above the rating, the faster your breaker will trip. Now that you know that overheating can cause AC system breaker trips, you might be wondering what is causing the overheating.

Common causes of overheating include:

  • Dirty HVAC Air Filters – Airflow is impeded by dirt on the air filter. Because there is minimal airflow, the AC system runs longer to make up for the lack of cool air and to achieve the target temperature. This causes the AC to overheat.
  • Dirty Condenser Coils – The condenser coils that are located in your AC’s outside unit could be covered in dust, dirt, or leaves. Because the coils are dirty, they can’t properly keep away heat. Therefore, your AC has to work harder to cool your home, which could result in overheating. Air conditioning coil cleaning can fix this problem.
  • Overload – This occurs when your air conditioning system is working harder than it is designed to do. This usually occurs several seconds, minutes, or even hours after the AC’s operation starts.
  • Not Enough Refrigerant – Low refrigerant levels can cause your AC to not produce enough cool air. As a result, it can overheat while trying to cool your home.

Home AC Repair, Do I Really Need It?

If your home ac system is experiencing one or more of the above overheating issues, then it is time for you to consider home AC repair. Air conditioning service repair will help your AC run more smoothly and cool your home using the lowest amount of energy at the lowest possible cost. Performing a quick Google search for AC company near me, AC repair near me, or air conditioning repair near me will help connect you with a qualified air conditioner repair company, also known as an HVAC technician.

Do Circuit Breakers Trip on Other Appliances?

Yes, circuit breakers do trip on other appliances. Common kitchen appliances like ovens, coffeemakers, microwaves, and toasters have the tendency to overheat if their circuit breakers are drawing more power than the circuit can handle at the moment. The circuit breakers within these appliances are designed to protect against electrical failures and possible fires.

Can I Just Keep Resetting the Breaker?

No, don’t keep resetting the breaker. You should only reset your breaker if there’s been a recent power outage in your home. Other than that, you should avoid constantly resetting your AC’s circuit breaker. Doing so will only cause a temporary fix as you are not getting to the root of the problem. Also, it could result in an electrical failure that can cause dangerous consequences such as a fire, this is an indicator you are in need of home ac repair.

Home AC Repair is our Specialty!

At American Air Cares, we will take care of your home ac repair needs and help keep your home cool during these summer months. Contact us today for more information about all our air conditioning services in Port St. Lucie, and surrounding areas.


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