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Springtime Tips to Maximize the Life of Your AC in Florida

Spring cleaning sign

Springtime in Florida goes by in a flash and puts us right into the hard heat of summer. Take advantage of the few temperate weeks we have to do a little springtime maintenance of your system. This will put you ahead of the curve when the heat sweeps in.

Check and replace

When did you last change your air filter? If in doubt, change it out. A tip is to write the date you replace the filter on the edge in a dark marker. This will remove any questions as to whether it is time to replace it or not. Filters should be replaced every 30 days.

Check your drainage line

As noted in our drainage line maintenance post, it is important that your drainage line be clear of debris and able to remove the moisture in the system.

Check thermostat settings

Don’t set your thermostat at an excessively cool temperature when turning on the system. It will not cool your home or business any faster. Remember that turning on your ceiling fan will make people feel more comfortable. Fans cool people, not air.

Do not place lamps or any device that exudes heat near your thermostat. It could result in a false temperature reading and wasted energy.

Check air vents

Vacuum off the dust on the intake and output vents for your AC system. Don’t start the summer blowing particulates through the air.

Check for leaks

Check to see if you have air leakage around your doors and windows. If you can see daylight, you know you have a problem. Use insulating strips or caulking to take care of these. It will improve your system’s ability to cool efficiently without waste.

Let a pro check it out

You wouldn’t think of ignoring an oil change for your car: it’s simple maintenance that keeps your vehicle running well and lengthens its life. The same goes for your AC system. Having it inspected by a professional can help prevent major problems as the summer heats up.

For questions on getting your system ready for summer, please call our team of HVAC professionals. In Port St. Lucie, call (772) 398-0023 and call (772) 220-1496 in Martin County.


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The Careman American Air Care
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