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How Often Should You Get Your Air Conditioning Unit Serviced?

AC equipment

One of the responsibilities of home ownership in the Port St. Lucie, FL, area is AC maintenance of your system. Scoot it to the back burner, and life will be very uncomfortable when your system inevitably breaks down. At American Air Cares, many of our customers ask how often they should get their air conditioning units serviced. We encourage you to take a few minutes to do a little reading, because while the answer is not particularly complicated, it’s not as cut-and-dried as you might have been led to believe.

Preventive Maintenance

Many Port St. Lucie, FL, residents come from other parts of the country in order to enjoy more mild winters and our excellent quality of life. Back in your home state, you may have used your home cooling system only 3-5 months out of the year. In this part of the US, it’s not uncommon for air conditioning units to be flipped on 365 days a year, and run 24/7 during the hotter, more humid months of the year. These demands can take a huge toll on your air conditioning system, which requires more attention to AC services than you likely required in your former home state.

Frequency Changes

The question of how often to get your AC unit serviced will come down to two primary factors: the age of your system, and how much you use it. If your air conditioning system is fairly new, having an HVAC technician give your unit the once-over every six months should be enough to keep it in good running order. If you have an older system, or one already prone to problems, you might want to increase your AC service frequency to once every 4 months just to be on the safe side. Is there some wiggle room to that? Sure, but why take the chance? After all, August in Port St. Lucie, FL, is no time to have your air conditioner go on the fritz!

When Regular Maintenance Just Isn’t Enough

We get it – the prospect of replacing your air conditioning unit isn’t a particularly pleasant one. What with the average price tag of a new AC unit running anywhere from $3,000 to $7,000, dollar signs aren’t just dancing in your head, they’re tap dancing on your nerves. The fact remains that if your home cooling system is anywhere from 10 to 15 years old, it’s not a matter of “if” but “when” it will require replacement. American Air Cares provides the leading services for air conditioning replacement Port St Lucie has to offer and can help you decide which air conditioning unit will cool your home most efficiently, netting you noticeable energy savings right out of the gate. What’s more, most replacement air conditioning system purchases can be financed, so it’s less of a strain on your budget.


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