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American Air Cares | Blog

Air conditioning tips, tricks, and latest updates

SEER Rating on an AC unit

SEER Rating, What Does That Mean?

Ever look at one of those yellow Energy Guide stickers when you are buying a new appliance? Not certain what they mean? On air conditioners, one

Outdoor air conditioning unit
Maintenance & Cleaning

5 Tips for Maintaining Your Outdoor Condenser Unit

Less-than-perfect air conditioning is an undesirable thing. The electricity bill increases but the levels of comfort doesn’t. This issue is particularly seen if required AC

Outdoor ac unit
Air Conditioning

Facts About Your HVAC Unit!

An HVAC unit is an integral part of most modern homes, especially in places where temperatures can become too hot or cold. Hence, you must

Humidity causing condensation on windows
Air Conditioning

Home Humidity Levels and Your AC System

High levels of humidity can cause all kinds of problems in your home. Mold growth, poor air quality, increased allergies, and more can all happen

HVAC repair outdoor unit

Do You Need a Florida Winter HVAC Tune-Up?

While it’s nothing compared to what our neighbors up north experience, Florida does get a little chilly starting in December. Just because it rarely freezes,

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