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Do You Need a Florida Winter HVAC Tune-Up?

HVAC repair outdoor unit

While it’s nothing compared to what our neighbors up north experience, Florida does get a little chilly starting in December. Just because it rarely freezes, it doesn’t mean you should neglect your HVAC tune-up. You need your HVAC ready for the winter weather, as you never know what you might encounter ahead.

HVAC tune-up is a procedure where a professional technician inspects the equipment, cleans the air conditioner and services the system. If problems are detected during the inspection, a timely repair is done. Here’s why you need your HVAC system tuned-up for a Florida winter.

Temperature Shifts

Although Florida temperatures hardly drop to extreme levels, the conditions can be unpredictable. If you are planning to beat the mild cold by adding a few layers of clothes, you may be up for a surprise. Even if it occurs rarely, you don’t want a sudden and extreme temperature shift to catch you by surprise.

Since it’s difficult to tell when the temperatures may drop to uncomfortable levels, and how long they will stay that way, you should always get a tune-up before winter. Without a tune-up, your system may struggle to heat your home, and it might break down due to the sudden strain, leaving you in the cold.

Indoor Air Quality

Although we mostly see HVAC systems as tools for pumping cold or hot air into our spaces, this equipment does more than that. A well-maintained unit can positively impact indoor air quality.

Since we keep our doors and windows tightly shut when it gets chilly, the indoor air can get stuffy. This can cause allergies, irritation, and even illness. Luckily, a well-maintained HVAC system has the capacity to filter the air you inhale. It can bring in fresh air from the outside and traps any contaminants.

Cut Expenses

A tuned-up HVAC unit can cut your electric bill by up to 15%. The service will detect any emerging issues, fix any wear and tear, and keep your unit operating at its best. When your system is maintained before the winter, it will not only perform superbly during the chilly times, but it also becomes energy efficient. The tune-up will pay for itself through the energy bill savings.

Tuning up your system before winter sets in can protect you from expensive repairs. If your unit hasn’t been prepared to handle the winter season, it may constantly break down during the periods of heavy use. These repairs are not only costly, but they may compromise the integrity of your unit in the long run and shorten its lifespan. To avoid short-term, long-term, and early replacement costs, get your unit tuned up.

Ensure Your Comfort When Winter Comes

Living in a comfortable home positively affects your well-being and improves your productivity. A fully functional HVAC unit can turn your cold home into a warm and cozy place. Instead of keeping your family curled up and cold during the chilly days, have your HVAC tuned-up to turn your house into a comfy fortress throughout the cold season.

Beat the Rush

Winter and summer are the peak seasons for the HVAC industry. Most HVAC units crash around this time since the system has to work extra hard. During the winter, HVAC contractors get extremely busy performing repairs and replacements. Booking an appointment at this time could be difficult as there are many other customers looking for help. To avoid the long lines that come with the rush, schedule a tune-up in the fall.

Get a Professional to Prepare Your HVAC System for the Winter

Forgoing HVAC tune-up before winter sets in may expose you to harsh conditions, system failures, costly repairs, and high energy bills. To get the best out of your unit, partner with a professional. Work with experts who are licensed, insured, qualified, and experienced. If you are looking for professional AC repair in Port St. Lucie and surrounding areas, our work is guaranteed. Contact American Air Cares today and schedule your annual fall HVAC tune-up!


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